Latest Past Events

Sweet Memories Choir

St Raphaela’s Convent, Upper Kilmacud Road, Stillorgan

Research suggests that listening to or singing songs can provide emotional and behavioural benefits for people with various types of dementia. Musical memories are often preserved because key brain areas […]

The Pleasure of Art

Patrician Community Centre, Stillorgan

Our Art class provides an opportunity for participants to engage in meaningful self- expression, pleasure, and enjoyment as well as in enhanced communication with others in the group. It can […]


Community Centre, Church of the Holy Family, Bakers Corner, Kill O’the Grange Community Centre, Church of the Holy Family, Bakers Corner, Kill O’the Grange

Living Well with Dementia runs a weekly ‘Movement to Music’ Class which is led by Robert Connors, Artistic Director of the Dance Theatre of Ireland. The therapeutic effects of music […]