Resources & Useful Links

Here are some useful links for further information about dementia.

Our Resources & Leaflets


Dementia Service Development and Information Centre (DSDIC)
Dementia services development and information centre is a national centre for excellence in dementia. They offer three core professional services: Education & Training, Information and Consultancy and Research.

Understand Together
Understand Together is a public support, awareness and information campaign led by HSE, working with The Alzheimer Society of Ireland and
Genio campaign.

Hello Brain
Hello Brain provides easy-to-understand scientific information about brain health.

FreeDem Films
These are a set of films that address fears about memory loss and dementia and provide practical advice about brain health. Each film answers a key question related to brain health and dementia.

Family Carers
The key objective of Family Carers Ireland is to benefit the community by supporting and promoting the health, wellbeing and quality of life of family carers and those for whom they care.

Dementia Elevator
Dementia Elevator is an education and empowerment programme to help individuals, communities and health systems engage with and support people with dementia.

Dementia Pathways
This website includes resources and guidance to support good practice in dementia care.

Memory Technology Resource Rooms
Memory Technology Resource Rooms are for people who would like to know more about products and devices which can help manage memory difficulties.

We are here to help you

Are you or someone you care for living with a diagnosis of dementia. If so, Living Well with Dementia is here to support you.

At Living Well with Dementia we work with people of all ages who are living with a dementia diagnosis.